Rothrock Outfitters
Ride. Paddle. Repeat.
Harry Biddle- Co-Owner
Born and raised in Huntingdon. His love for the area is only matched by his love of water and two wheeled riding machines.
Emil Eklund- Co-Owner
Growing up, Emil spent more time outside than inside. That shows.
Lobster- The Mechanic
Our most valuable crustacean. Bicycle wiZ. Lover of snips.
Brownie- Shop Manager
Part dog. Part horse. Always friendly. Professional at being in your way.
Prismo- Sir Wagsalot
Mixed with part weirdo and part cat, Prismo is an unique character. There will never be enough attention.
Peaches- Sniffer in Charge
100% pure bred mutt. Will plop down on her belly aggressively begging for belly rubs. Must have belly rubs.
Roy- The Shop Boy
Hard working park rat that keeps his bosses in line.